The WYSIWYG editor by itself is very good at creating pages of text, colours and images, but what if you want something a little more professional? Well not to worry, we provide over 60 pre-made templates that you can use to make your website look highly respectable with minimum effort!

First you need to choose the template you're going to use. So login to cPanel and click Fantastico.

Click Fantastico

Next click on Templates Express.

Click Templates Express

And click New Installation to be taken to the template selection page.

Click New Installation

Now it's up to you to navigate through the categories and decide on a template that you like. If you're making a music website you don't necessarily have to use the templates in the music category; you can use any you like, they are just suggestions. Once you've decided upon a template, give it a click and you'll see this screen:

Fill in the details

Fill in the details as illustrated above, the screen you see may vary slightly depending on the template chosen. In most cases the Install in directory should be left blank. Once you're happy with everything, click Install Templates Express.

Once you see the following page, your template is now ready on your website for you to edit and add your own content. You can do this using the WYSIWYG editor, so refer to this part of the guide for instructions.

Next: Website Builders
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