.uk domain names have a different transfer process, please refer to the article .uk Domain Name Transfer Help.

Transferring a domain name can be a bit confusing if you've never done it before. This page will provide all the information you need to ensure you successfully transfer your domain name to us.

Can I transfer?

There are certain conditions under which a domain name cannot be transferred:

  • .ws domain names cannot be transferred at any time.
  • Domain Name is less than 60 days old.
  • Domain Name has been transferred less than 60 days ago.
  • Domain Name Whois contact details changed less than 60 days ago.

Unfortunately if you fall into these categories you cannot transfer your domain name.


Before you place the order transfer at our website you need to do some preparation at the company you will be moving the domain name away from (referred to as the 'losing registrar').

Unlock the Domain Name

Many domain names can be 'locked' to prevent them being transferred without your consent. Don't forget to unlock it when you do want to transfer though!

Update your Contact Details

You must make sure your details in the WHOIS database are correct, particularly the email address. You can check them at http://whois.domaintools.com/. The most important email address is the administrative contact. If you have any sort of ID Protection it is usually necessary to disable it.

Get the EPP Code

Some domain names need an EPP code to be transferred. This is also known as the Transfer Secret or an Authorisation Code, it's an extra security measure to ensure you are the real domain name owner.

With that done, you're ready to place the transfer order at our website!

Place the Order

Go to our Transfer In page:

  • Type your domain name into the first field
  • Enter the EPP Code into the Authorization Code field
  • Click Add to Cart

You should then go through the order process to customise your domain and pay.

Email Confirmation

Once you have paid for your domain name transfer we will send an email to the administrative address. The email will contain a link which you must click, you will be taken to a webpage and asked to confirm the transfer.

Once confirmed the transfer will then take place.

The 'losing' registrar may also email you for confirmation, if this is the case you must accept both emails before the transfer can take place.


And that's it! As soon as the losing registrar releases the domain name to us we'll add an extra year's registration and you will be able to manage it in your Valcato Account, this usually takes about 5 days.

.eu Special Note
Unlike the majority of domain names which add an extra year to the expiry date when you transfer, the expiry date for your .eu domain will become 1 year from the transfer date.

For example, if your .eu domain name has the expiry date 24 Oct 2007 and it gets transferred to us on 2 Sep 2007. The new expiry date will be 2 Sep 2008 and not 24 Oct 2008.

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