Every computer connected to the internet has a unique IP address, this is a unique number that belongs just to that device at that particular time. To find the IP address of your computer visit WhatIsMyIP.com. All our shared hosting accounts share an IP address per server, this is great because it speeds up your account setup time and because we keep our servers secure there is absolutely no disadvantage to sharing an IP address with other customers.

There are occasions where you may require an IP address that is used only for your website, particularly if you need an SSL certificate. If bought with an SSL certificate we will happily assign a unique IP address, however if you don't we may need more information from you.

You can add a unique IP address when you sign up or at a later date, to do so:

  1. Click "My Sites" above,
  2. Click "My Services" on the right menu,
  3. Click the "View Details" button next to the appropriate account,
  4. Click the "Order Addons" button,
  5. Tick Unique IP Address,
  6. The system will automatically calculate the cost of the upgrade.

We will then email you within a few hours to let you know your new IP address.

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