
Changing PHP Settings - Advanced

Our PHP configuration has been set to allow as many scripts as possible to run, but there are...

Changing PHP Settings - Easy

It is possible to quickly and easily change the PHP settings on your hosting account such as...

Changing/Upgrading PHP Version

It is possible to quickly and easily change the PHP version on your hosting account. Newer...

Checking PHP Settings

You can check the PHP settings for your account, or a particular directory in your account using...

DNS Records (NS, A, CNAME, MX) Explained

Domain names consist of DNS Zones in which the functioning of your domain name are defined, some...

Executing PHP scripts in a cron job

Using a cron job is a great way to automatically perform a task at regular intervals all the way...

How to Upload Zip Files in cPanel

The File Manager is a powerful web-based tool for uploading and managing the files on your...

Increasing PHP upload limit

By default the maximum file size you can upload via PHP is 2MB, but sometimes this isn't enough....

Migrating Django from FCGID to Passenger

If you've previously set up a Django-based website using FCGID, from early 2018 you will need to...

Opting Out of AutoSSL

As part of our service we offer a free SSL certificate under a program called AutoSSL. This will...

Redirect all HTTP pages to HTTPS

It is recommended [1][2] that all websites use a secure connection via the HTTPS protocol...

SSH Access

Secure Shell Handler is a command-line interface to the server, the majority of tasks possible...

Unique IP Address

Every computer connected to the internet has a unique IP address, this is a unique number that...

Upgrading PHP Version

It is possible to quickly and easily upgrade the PHP version on your hosting account. Newer...

What is my /tmp directory and can I delete its contents?

What is tmp used for? The /home/cpanel_username/tmp directory in your cPanel account is used to...

Which server is my account on?

We operate several powerful servers to host all our customer's websites. Follow these...