.tel available now

.tel is a unique domain name as it acts as a kind of internet telephone directory; you can store phone numbers, addresses, websites and other pieces of information. It allows people to find your contact information in one place.

Register Now!

Do I need to buy web hosting for a .tel domain?

No, the hosting service is provided free of charge for all registrations allowing you to store your contact details in the DNS.

How do I put contact information onto my .tel domain?

We provide an easy to use control panel for you to manage the information.

Is it possible to transfer or sell a .tel domain?

Yes, the transfer process is the same as the majority of domain names.

How do I keep my data confidential?

A simple authentication request called ?friending? allows you to determine who can access your information in a social networking style called TellFriends. Furthermore, you can determine who sees what.

What will I see when I visit a .tel page?

All .tel directory pages use the same template:

.tel domain template

If you have any further questions please read our Frequently Asked Questions or feel free to Contact Us.

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